Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County

Christian Caban

County Commissioner, District 2

County Commissioner

Years of Service: 2022-2024

A native of Miami, Christian Caban attended Florida State University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in chemical science with a minor in entrepreneurship and was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. After graduating, Caban launched multiple hospitality businesses and served as a nonprofit board member and community volunteer and advocate. 

In 2022, Caban was elected to the vacant District 2 seat on the Leon County Board of County Commissioners. His priorities include public infrastructure, economic development, community safety, youth services, and environmental issues.

During his tenure, Caban has pushed to increase access to affordable housing, prioritized improvements to Tharpe Street to enhance pedestrian and automotive safety, advocated for street lighting for school bus stops located in rural communities, and worked to address homelessness in the community. 
Caban serves on local boards as a leader and member, including the Downtown Redevelopment Commission, the Children’s Home Society, and Second Harvest of the Big Bend.

  • Committees
    • Geographic Information Systems Executive Committee
    • Juvenile Justice Circuit 2 Advisory Board
    • Value Adjustment Board

District 2

  • Population: 58,240 (ESRI)
  • Highlighted District Amenities
    • Jane G. Sauls Fort Braden Branch Library
    • Ft. Braden Community Center
    • Gil Waters Preserve
    • Coe Landing and Campground
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