Leading the Way

200 Years of Representation and Progress in Leon County

Herbert W.A. Thiele

Herbert Thiele

County Attorney

Years of Service: 1990-2020

Herbert W.A. Thiele graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a bachelor’s degree in government and international studies and received his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Florida.
Before beginning his tenure as County Attorney, Thiele was the City Attorney for the City of Delray Beach for over eight years, and an Assistant City Attorney for Delray Beach in private practice for the preceding three years.
Thiele was selected as the first County Attorney after the County Commission established the office in 1990. He went on to serve as County Attorney until his retirement in 2020.
He held leadership roles in several professional organizations, including serving four terms as President of the Florida Association of County Attorneys; Chair of the City, County & Local Government Law Section of The Florida Bar; and President of the International Municipal Lawyers Association, as well as on the Board of Directors of the Florida Counties Foundation.

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